No. 1: Walking/Brisk walk/jogging
You can walk anywhere, anytime. Use a treadmill or hit the streets. All you need is a good pair of shoes.
How to: If you’re just starting to walk for fitness, begin with 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Add a few minutes to each walk until you get to at least 30 minutes per walk. Add time to your walks before you quicken your pace or add hills.

No. 2: Interval Training
Interval training lets you boost fitness, burn more calories, and lose weight. The basic idea is to vary the intensity within your workout, instead of going at a steady pace.
How to: Whether you walk,jog, run, dance, or do another cardio exercise, push up the pace for a minute or two. Then back off for two to 10 minutes. Exactly how long your interval should last depends on the length of your workout and how much recovery time you need. A trainer can fine-tune the pacing.. Repeat the intervals throughout your workout.

No. 3: Lunges
Like squats, lunges work all the major muscles of your lower body. They can also improve your balance.
How to: Take a big step forward, keeping your back straight. Bend your front knee to about 90 degrees. Keep weight on your back toes and drop the back knee toward the floor. Don’t let the back knee touch the floor.

No. 4: Push-Ups
Push-ups strengthen your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles.
How to: Facing down, place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place your toes on the floor. If that’s too hard, start with your knees on the floor. Your body should make a straight line from shoulders to knees or feet. Keep your rear-end muscles and abs engaged. Bend your elbows to lower down until you almost touch the floor. Lift back up by pushing through your elbows, Keep your torso in a straight line throughout the move.
–For beginners u can try Modified Push-Ups(from a kneeling position)

No.5:Bicycle Crunch: For Core & Abdominal
Lying on your back on the floor, fold knees toward the chest and curl the upper body off the floor. With hands behind head, slowly rotate upper body to the right while drawing the right knee in and reaching the left leg out. Then rotate left and pull the left knee in and extend right leg out. Focus on bringing the shoulder toward the hip (rather than the elbow to the knee), and keep the opposite shoulder off the floor. Perform 10 repetitions.

stay fit, remain healthy and eat wisely.

In need of Private Instructors?send a message to keepfit9ja@gmail.com

Diet Plan and Exercise Routine

When making a diet plan, there is need for you to know the one that suit your body type (that works for your body system). From my experience of working with different clients, I discovered that the diet plan that helps client A to loss weight can not help client B to loss weight (either its so slow breaking down their body fat, or its not working for them at all).

For example, some client took Green Tea and it didn’t work for them at ALL… while others did and it worked PERFECTLY! , some did Water and Okro therapy program and they were happy losing a lot of weight, while few others did it faithfully and it didn’t work for them, instead their skin became very clean and fine with their sweat pores opening well.

Here is a sample of your weight loss time table with exercise fixture:

Time: 6:00-8:00A.M 12:00-3:00PM 6:30P.M
Days Breakfast Lunch Dinner No Snack
Sunday   Water /Ginger tea Ofada Rice or Brown Rice with goat meat sauce/skinless chicken sauce   Quaker Oats/Fresh tomatoes (chew) Take a walk
Monday Exercise:30min Vigorous Workout-cucumber Sea food/fish pepper soup Carrot/orange/Apple Light workout  &     water
Tuesday  Skim milk and wheat Bread  Beans (mash your fish inside). Water Melon
  • Light workout  &          water
Wednesday Exercise:30mins circuit training –Ginger tea Wheat meal with Ogbono/vegetable soup Fruit / onion, Garlic Ginger pepper soup/Grape or tomatoes
  •  Take a walk
Thursday Exercise: Take a walk:Quaker Oats       Moi-moi /Agidi/pap/tuo Soy Beans/cucumber
  •   Light workout  &          water
Friday Wheat bread & Skim milk Unripe plantain  with vegetable/beans Fruit /mushrooms/cabbage
Saturday Exercise: 30mins or more for Aerobics Dance Workout-Mixed fruit -salad Cray fish, prawn with red & green pepper sauce for sweet potatoes Apple(chew don’t blend)
  • Take a walk 

Please friends, Note: According to research, Tomatoes have been found to reduce inflammation and water retention in the body, as well as reversing leptin resistance. Leptin is a type of protein which helps to regulate metabolic rate and appetite, so our bodies rely on it to shed those extra pounds.

Please help yourself by being sincere with your Diet and Exercise programs and avoid eating late at night, stay away from meal from 6:30P.M.(naija work can make you get home late  at night especially in Lagos State. YES!)…eat fruit to bed and start self-discipline to eating late at night. Remember! Avoid sweetened drinks.

Hmmm! Its my birthday cake! One day fat consuming day won’t change a thing you would say, but Keep fit 9ja advises that “be careful for nothing but in everything”.

With these we say,

stay fit, remain healthy and eat wisely.

Wilson E.O

Certified Fitness, sport & Health Management Coach.


Stress-xercise or Exercise?


It is said by one of my professors (Prof. Emiola) that “if exercise can not add years to your life, it can add life to your years”.

    Some people do mistake stress to be stand-in/replacement for exercise…nayhee! Nayhee!


     Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened due to pressure or upset your balance in some way. And everybody responds to stress in different manner which do affects the mind, body, and behavior in many ways. In our various cities, we tend to overload ourselves with stress which cognitively can cause memory problem, poor judgment, constant worrying, inability to concentrate, and have racing thought.  


   Exercise in another hand is an activity requiring physical effort and self-determination, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness.

   My believe is that wellness begins with understanding your body system and the application of proper workout program which you will gain a lot of benefits from.



  1. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your whole body helping it to work more efficiently and boost your endurance. Energy level increases.
  2. According to WHO, 120 minutes of exercise can reduce body cancer. Is it too much for body treatment?
  3. Involving yourself in physical activity will keep you healthy. Research says that engaging in 30 minutes of exercise a day is all you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  4. According to research, Physical activity releases chemicals in your brain called endorphins that are known to make you feel happier and more relaxed.
  5. Regular physical activity has been proven to help prevent a wide variety of health problems e.g. Heart problem, hypertension, high blood pressure, and many more.
  6. You can maintain a healthy weight through exercises.
  7. Exercise is good for your heart! It helps maintain a healthy blood pressure and improves circulation.
  8. Regular physical activity helps you sleep better. When you are active during the day, you typically fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer.
  9. An exercise helps to improve your white blood cell strength to fight against gems.
  10. Exercise and other physical activities are often great opportunities to socialize, or going to the local recreation center are all great ways to meet new people.

Stay fit, Remember, keep healthy and eat wisely.


Wilson Eno-Osagie.

Certified Fitness, sport &Health Management
